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NIl SINE LABORE - a quick guide for New Members

Be polite, kind & patient with guild members & pugs at all times.

Remember that every guild member is an ambassador for the guild.



The guild now uses Discord for voice chat; available for those that wish to use it for Social or Raiding purposes. Members are strongly encouraged to use this. If you need help to set up, just ask.

The guild has a Facebook Group. This group is for guild members only or good friends of the guild (closed group). The Facebook group is run by Astrayus [alts Linfa and Nowe] - contact him in-game for an invitation with your Facebook name.


More details about Guild Rules are provided on that page. A summary is given below.


New members will have a trial period [Trial Member], normally one-two weeks, in which their level of involvement with guild activities will be assessed; & the new member can assess whether the guild suits them.

After the trial period, a character is assigned to an appropriate Rank according to level and experience.

Unless circumstances are known to the Guild Leader, players inactive for 2 months will be demoted to Inactive & players inactive for 12+ months will be removed from the guild.

The Guild Roster lists all Officers, members and their alts.

Raid & Dungeons

Raids normally start Wednesday on reset day, continue Thursday, with additional raids on Monday as necessary from 20.30-23.00. Occasional raids will be organised on other evenings, usually old raids, particularly to help with achievements & legendaries.

Raiders should sign for the event. Please let the raid leader know about any particular raids you would like to do.

Accepted: expected to be online ready to raid irrespective of whether a place is made available. Takes priority over those signing Tentative. If unable to be online, message should be sent if possible to Raid Leader.

Tentative: may be online for a raid, but unsure. Places available for this group take lower priority than those accepting for certain.

If you leave a raid early for no good reason & without advance warning, you may be banned from raids for a period of time.

Raid rage will not be tolerated, & is subject to possible penalties of demotion & banning from raid for a period of time, depending on circumstances.

Loot Rules

Ninja looting will not be tolerated.

Rules for raids:

Roll only for main spec, unless it has been agreed beforehand with the lootmaster. Roll for off-spec only if no-one needs for main spec. You will be expected to pass/greed a roll if a piece of gear is not an upgrade.

Please see Guild Rules for full details and additional rules. You will be expected to understand the guild loot rules.

Guild Bank

Most ranks receive some help with repair costs. Active raiders receive the most assistance.

The guild bank is there for you to use. Regularly check out all the tabs for mats for levelling professions; or gear for levelling alts.

Two tabs [Rare] are restricted to Officers only, containing rarer and more expensive items. If you wish to obtain any item from this tab, ask an Officer.

Generally, mats, gems, enchants, glyphs etc. from the guild bank are sold to guild members at around half AH price. Gear is usually free to members if required for levelling or for active raiding/pvp.

High level gear is free to members actively raiding.

All donations of gold or mats welcome. Chars level 100 are expected to donate mats, crafted items etc. to the guild bank to help support the guild.

Reselling of material taken from guild bank is BANNED.

Gearing Up

Ask for help from guild members if you need it for levelling - but be aware that experienced players may be involved with raiding.

If you are an experienced player, please help other guildies, whether an alt or someone new to the game.

A number of web sites provide useful information for gear items, quests and dungeons: wowwiki [dungeons/events]; wowhead [quests]; wowhead [gear]


Basic advice is given in Professions. The guild has many members with maximum in all the Professions. Generally guild members are expected to help with enchants, gems etc. without charge, apart from mats.


Please consult ICY VEINS and WOWHEAD. Watch videos from HAZELNUTTY and SIGNSOFKELANI. There are many other available videos posted.

Please make sure you know tactics for any raid that you wish to join.

Event Gallery

Guild raid progress is listed in the Event Gallery & photos of our kills posted.