Gearing Up
There is no short cut to levelling, making gold, or gearing up to level 70. Progress will depend on the amount of time you spend playing, learning your class and researching the dungeons and raids that you want to run.
A number of web sites provide useful information for gear items, quests and dungeons: wowwiki [dungeons/events]; wowhead [quests];wowhead [gear].
There are many class specific levelling guides on the net. There is no point in repeating the information here.
Ask for help if you need it from guild members, especially for end of quest chain bosses.
Have a plan for the gear you want to get: whether its looking for drops in hc, raids, buying on AH or having it made for you.
Speak to someone in the guild in your class who is well geared, and check out what you need to do.
Do at least one random normal or heroic dungeon every day while levelling. Running mythic level dungeons and mythic+ (keystone challenge) dungeons give very good gear rewards.
Check out rep rewards, and decide which items to go for and your priorities.
Tabards are no longer available to improve rep.
Gaining reputation with the guild will unlock high rewards. More details from:
Guild Reputation & achievements
There is no excuse for not having every slot in your epic gear filled with gems at max level.
Any gems will be cut for free by guild jcs.
Equally, there is no excuse for not having all your epic gear enchanted. Enchants will be done for free (no fee with your mats) by guild enchanters.
At max level, always enchant epic gear or very good blues, but it is not worth enchanting gear with top enchants while levelling.
Potions will be made by guild alchemists.
Not many people in the guild will bother to level cooking or fishing. However, guild cooks will make your favourite foods for you if you supply the mats.
Always ensure that you have a good supply of the best potions and food for whichever hc dungeon or raid you are attending.
There is no doubt that the use of appropriate add-ons will enhance your playing, especially in raid. The guild strongly recommends the following - all free to download:
Recount and/or Details: gives damage done/dps/healing and many other stats for current fight or overall fight etc.
Deadly Boss Mods: provides information and warnings for all bosses in dungeons and raid. This add-on is essential for full play in raids.
Be aware that a very few players have experienced issues with their play when add-ons have been downloaded.
Other useful add-ons:
If you have any suggestions for this section please speak to Ruanna.
Currently, the guild uses DISCORD for raids. It is far quicker to explain tactics through voice than typing; and to deal with issues arising during play in raid.
It is not normally necessary to purchase a headset to hear the chat. If you wish to speak during a session you need a mic.
Discord is a very useful in-game chat system (like a voice-only Skype). It is available to all guild members & friends for private chats, group runs & postings etc.
Use of DISCORD: players can download Discord (it is free). Once downloaded, a one-time code to log in to our chat is sent. Speak to Guild Master Ruanna for the code.